Misyrlis Panagiotis | Refrigerant, Cooling, Air Conditioning Pylos Messinia

27387 Visitors:
Address: 27 Episkopou Grigoriou Methonis
Area: Pilos
Telephone: 2723023010
Mobile: 6946794064
P.C.: 24001
Fax: 2723023010
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Based on years of experience in the maintenance and installation of refrigeration and air conditioning, you can trust us for all types of work for the establishment and maintenance of air conditioning, heating and maintenance of household appliances. In the most affordable and competitive prices with prompt service and guaranteed work.    ...
27387 Visitors:

27 Episkopou Grigoriou Methonis, Pilos

27387 Visitors:

Based on years of experience in the maintenance and installation of refrigeration and air conditioning, you can trust us for all types of work for the establishment and maintenance of air conditioning, heating and maintenance of household appliances.

In the most affordable and competitive prices with prompt service and guaranteed work.




Misyrlis Panagiotis | Refrigerant, Cooling, Air Conditioning Pylos Messinia Cooling Installation
Misyrlis Panagiotis | Refrigerant, Cooling, Air Conditioning Pylos Messinia Air Conditioning Systems
27387 Visitors:

27 Episkopou Grigoriou Methonis

Telephone: 2723023010
Mobile: 6946794064

Working Hours
